By bridging the gap from design to procurement and delivery, you can reduce errors, scrap, rework and warranty costs. With visibility to clear, current and accurate BOM information, specific to the at-hand tasks of users, you can boost productivity and collaboration.Extend BOM support beyond design and development to include the entire lifecycle of your products. Context management ensures individuals and teams are working in consistent contexts – representing the correct product offering, maturity/release level, configuration and processes across the organization. Users can manage families of products instead of discrete product variants, enabling more options without additional effort. It enables you to manage complex product definitions that include product options and variability. You can eliminate the need to maintain, combine and verify all the various pieces of BOM information historically stored in separate systems, databases, and spreadsheet. A single source of BOM information and the tools to analyze that information ensures accuracy and completeness for all stakeholders. Siemens Teamcenter bill of materials management solution allows you to manage your complete BOM in a single environment – from simple structures to complex product definitions. You can communicate and evaluate the impact of proposed changes with Teamcenter’s comprehensive configuration management capabilities.

Its automated workflow capabilities allow you to execute change processes that provide all product development stakeholders with instant access to necessary data. Your designers can validate their changes, not only in the current configuration, but against every configuration. With digital mockup always on, you can see design changes in real-time. Its digital validation capabilities allow you to aggregate design changes continuously. You can bring parts from different CAD systems into a visual mockup, where you can visualize, probe, and section, analyze and mark them up.

Teamcenter converts multi-CAD data into the CAD-neutral JT format automatically, so it is transparent to users. It can manage data from all major CAD systems, so you don’t need to translate CAD data. You can capture, manage and synchronize product design data, then automate your engineering change, validation and approval processes. Siemens Teamcenter’s engineering process management solution allows you to integrate your global engineering teams by bringing together the product designs from all your sites within a single product data management (PDM) system.